Wednesday 31 December 2014

2014: My Year at the Flicks

OK, so in response to those of you who've inundated my inbox with hundreds of enquiries over the past 10 months, I'm still here, and below are the best films I saw (strictly at cinemas only) during 2014. With approx 18 such attendances, it was hardly a record-breaking year, but still some real gems nonetheless.

5. Seduce Me/Zapelji me (SI, 2013)
4. Wake in Fright (AU, 1971)
3. Boyhood (US, 2014)
2. The Psychotronic Man (US, 1979)
1. Frank (USA, 2014)

Almost made it: Joe (US, 2013)

Reviews of these and other viewings from 2014 to follow soon...ish.

Happy New Year 2015 to all this blog's regular readers and commenters, and the best of viewing this coming year.


  1. Hey Carlo, do you have an email address where I can reach you? I have a question to ask you if you don't mind.

    Thank you for your time

    1. Hi Snapple187,

      Thanks for your comment.

      The films are rated in the following manner:
      No. 5 is the fifth best film I saw in 2014, no. 1 is the absolute first best.

      I hope that answers your question?
