Predictably stage Irish farce involving an unorthodox sergeant Boyle (Brendan Gleeson), his misfortunate rookie sidekick, inept but dangerous criminals...into this throw a cool, slightly bewildered FBI agent, newly arrived in Ireland to investigate a massive drug shipment destined for the coast of Galway; bent cops, the sarge's fun-loving mother stashed away in an old folks home, uncooperative ruralists who can't or won't speak English...
As with most Irish films, this suffers from what I've called the 'Irish Film Syndrome' - roughly post Commitments, Into the West et al pandering to romantic and/or clichéd outsider notions as to what constitutes Irish humour, with an often outrageous romp of a storyline that stretches or defies credibility.
Gleeson as always holds his own though, it is handsomely shot; and there are a couple of chuckles at the Dubs expense.
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